Contact OCPD
The OC Police Department main office is located at 201 W. University in the SPUR building just East of the Wood Building of Math and Science
We all have a responsibility to ensure that the Odessa College campus is a safe place to live, learn, work or play. If you see something, say something!
Report suspicious activity or vandalism IMMEDIATELY
If this is an emergency, or if you are in immediate danger call 911.
See Something | Say Something |
Odessa College Police Department | |
Report suspicious activity | Call or text 432-238-6334 | |
Odessa College Facilities | |
Report water leaks, gas leaks, potholes, lights not working, etc. |
432-335-6512 working hours |
432-238-9675 after hours (call or text) | | |
Report sexual misconduct | Sexual Misconduct Form |
Report information regarding a crime or criminal activity on campus |
Campus Crime Stoppers |
OCPD and Odessa College remind all students, faculty, staff and campus visitors to:
- Report suspicious activity or suspicious people immediately.
- Stay alert and tuned in to your surroundings. Be aware and prepared.
- Trust your instincts, and if you do not feel comfortable in place or situation, leave.
- Use caution when walking alone at all times, and travel in groups whenever possible.
- If you suspect any situation as potentially threatening to your personal safety or are victimized yourself, call 9-1-1 immediately.
The OC Police Department has campus escorts available 24 hours a day for any student, faculty, staff or visitor. Contact OCPD via phone (call or text) at 432-238-6334 to request a campus escort. Students, faculty, staff and campus visitors can also text the on-call police officer at 432-238-6334 with any information about suspicious activity on campus.